Faithfully blazing the trail for generations to come.
If you are a Senior Adult, Faith has a place for you. Because our Senior Adults are so involved in the church at large,
it is difficult to pinpoint Senior Adult Ministry. Many are teachers, outreach leaders, cooks, quilt makers, singers,
instrumentalists, greeters, and the list goes on and on. Opportunities to have relationships with other seniors abound:
Faith Singers (Sr. Adult Choir), Themed First Monday Luncheons with various activities,
and Temple Builders (exercise group) to name just a few.
it is difficult to pinpoint Senior Adult Ministry. Many are teachers, outreach leaders, cooks, quilt makers, singers,
instrumentalists, greeters, and the list goes on and on. Opportunities to have relationships with other seniors abound:
Faith Singers (Sr. Adult Choir), Themed First Monday Luncheons with various activities,
and Temple Builders (exercise group) to name just a few.

Sundays, Wednesdays & More
Sunday School
9:45 A.M. - 10:45 A.M.
We offer a diverse mix of Sunday School departments including Bible Study classes for women, men, and mixed men and women.
Wednesday Nights
6:15 P.M. - 7:15 P.M.
After our 5:30 P.M. dinner each Wednesday during the school year, we offer Discipleship Equip Classes for all ages to inspire you and equip you to live for Christ.
Temple Builders
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9:00 A.M.
As we age, it becomes more and more necessary to keep your body, God's temple, in shape. Come exercise with us on Tuesday and Thursday mornings!
Faith Singers
Mondays at 10:15 A.M.
If you enjoy making a joyful noise, join us on Monday mornings! Opportunities abound each month to minister to those living in local nursing facilities.