Experience Faith.
Faith is a gospel-centered, family-focused, mission-minded church. We want people to meet Jesus and engage in a life-giving community where everyone is welcome. We believe in an authentic experience of God and we use E3 as focal points: Encounter God, Experience God Together, and Empty Self.
Encounter God
When we gather as a church we expect to encounter God as we worship through music and through hearing from His word. Encountering God doesn’t just mean showing up to a church service; it means pursuing God with everything we are and seeking His presence and will daily. As we draw near to God and experience faith, we receive the love of the perfect, heavenly Father who gave His Son that we might experience life in His name. We worship in light of what God has done for us and now have the opportunity to experience Him for ourselves. Join us on a Sunday to see what Encountering God as His Church is like!

Experience God Together
God has created us to fully experience Him in relationship with others. It is God’s desire that we should experience Him in our love for one another. At Faith, we Experience God Together through Bible study, prayer, and serving alongside each other. It is in our involvement in one another’s lives that we experience the power of God’s community and our faith is put into practice as we seek to love and serve one another.
Empty Self
Empty Self is how our church demonstrates our faith in a practical way. Following the example of Jesus who “emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity” (Philippians 2:7), we seek to serve others, within our church and our community. There are many ways we put “Empty Self” into practice within the walls of our church: from volunteering with children or students, to leading and participating in a Sunday School class, to working with our kitchen crew, to many other critical areas. Outside of the walls of the church we seek to build God’s Kingdom and be a light to the world locally and globally, from our ministry to a nearby elementary school to the missionaries we send out and support around the world. There is no shortage of opportunities for us as believers to imitate Jesus and empty ourselves, using our gifts, our talents, and our resources to make Jesus known and bring Him glory.

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Be a part of Faith...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 8:30 am and 11 am.